


本サービス規約で「運営者」という用語を使用する場合、この用語は、イベントの制作もしくは管理をおこなうRX Japan株式会社およびその関連会社であるRELX Inc.に属するリード エグジビション、ならびに該当する範囲でRX Japan株式会社またはRELX Inc.に属するリード エグジビションと協力する提携企業を意味し、これには、ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーに属するLucasFilm Ltd.とウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン株式会社が含まれます(ただしこれらに限定されません)。「イベント」とは、運営者が管理するスター・ウォーズ セレブレーション ジャパン2025 イベント、およびそれに関連するライブやバーチャルコンポーネントを意味します。「会場」とは、イベントのライブコンポーネントが開催される各会場、つまり日本の千葉市にある幕張メッセを意味します。「プラットフォーム」は、イベントのウェブサイトなど、イベントに関連して運営者が利用する各配信プラットフォームおよび/またはデジタルサービスプロバイダーを総称すると定義されます。参加者の「認証」とは、有形のもの(バッジ、チケット、リストバンド、またはその他の許可された入場手段など)であるか、無形のもの(固有のコード、アカウント、ログイン情報、リンク、またはその他のデジタル識別子など)であるかを問わず、運営者から提供される有効な個人識別情報と定義され、これにより、参加者は何らかの形でイベントに参加する権利が与えられます。





















運営者は、(1) 参加者が、参照によって本書に組み込まれた要件を含め、本サービス規約を遵守しなかった場合、(2) 運営者がイベントを中断するべきと合理的に考える、または判断する違法、危険、攻撃的、または脅迫的な行為を参加者が犯した場合、(3) 運営者の単独かつ絶対的な裁量により、イベントの安全性、セキュリティ、または秩序に影響を与える可能性がある考えられる状況が発生した場合、払い戻し、賠償、補償をおこなうことなしに、参加者の入場拒否、排除、出入り禁止、追放をする、または参加者の認証もしくはイベントの一部へのアクセスを取り消し、終了する権利を明示的に留保します。運営者によるそのような決定は最終的なものとします。














  1. 肖像権使用許諾

有効な相互の約因により、およびイベントに参加する機会を参加者に与える見返りとして、参加者は本書により、運営者、その親会社、関連会社、サブライセンシー、被指名者、代理人および譲受人(イベントのスポンサー、出展者または請負業者を含むがこれらに限定されない)、およびそれぞれの譲受人、サブライセンシー、承継人(総称して「運営者側当事者」)に対し、(i) イベント参加中の当該参加者の肖像、声、外見および/または画像(総称して「肖像」)を記録、写真、収録する、ならびに (ii) イベント(将来のエディションを含む)の配布、宣伝、広報、および運営者の一般的なビジネス、サービスや製品にのみ関連して、世界中のすべてのメディア(現在知られているか今後存在するかを問わない)で肖像(およびその将来のエディションなど)を出版、複製、描写、配布、および/またはその他の方法で使用する、ロイヤルティなしの、絶対的かつ取り消し不能の権利とライセンスを承認し、許可し、付与します。

  1. 参加者コンテンツの使用許諾



  1. 知的財産に関する表明および保証



  1. 確認



イベントに関連して参加者はいかなるときも、(i) 本サービス規約、(ii) 適用されるすべての法律、条例、規範、規制、基準、および司法命令もしくは行政命令、(iii) 会場、プラットフォーム上に掲示される、またはその他の方法で運営者によって参加者に配布される追加のイベント規則、規制、行動規範、ポリシーまたは手順(運営者によって随時更新される場合があります)(総称して「イベントポリシー」)を遵守し、これに従って行動する必要があります。イベントに参加することで、参加者は、自身がイベントポリシーを読み、これに従うことに同意し、それに従って行動することを認め、同意するものとします。








イベントに参加することで、またはイベントに関連して運営者に情報を提供することで、参加者は、運営者のプライバシーポリシーhttp://privacy.reedexpo.com/で閲覧可能)の規約に同意するものとします。この規約は運営者によっていつでも更新される場合があります 参加者は、プライバシーポリシー更新後に引き続きイベントに参加することで、更新されたプライバシーポリシーを承諾したとみなされます。すべての参加者は、イベントに参加する前にプライバシーポリシーをよく読んでいただく必要があります。参加者は、本サービス規約とプライバシーポリシーの間に矛盾または不一致がある場合には、プライバシーポリシーの条件が優先され、支配することを認めるものとします。

通信設定は、リード エグジビションのコミュニケーションセンターhttps://www.recusprivacy.com/)で、いつでも変更することができます。運営者のプライバシーポリシーまたは運営者の個人情報の処理方法についてご不明な点、ご意見・ご提案、またはご要望がございましたら、いつでも運営者の「プライバシーセンター」(https://privacy.reedexpo.com/en-gb/privacy-centre.html)にお問い合わせください。

また、参加者は、運営者が連絡先情報などの参加者の個人情報を、以下の関連団体、出展者、ベンダー、請負業者または第三者と共有することを承認し、許可します。(i) 参加者がイベントに関連して許可する者。具体的には、ライブイベントに関連して認証をスキャンする者、デジタルイベントに関連して第三者のコンテンツにアクセスする者、またはデジタルテクノロジー(本契約で定義)を使用する者などが含まれます(これらに限定されません)、および/または (ii) 参加者が興味を持つ可能性のある製品、サービスや商品を提供する者。有効な登録コード、プロモーションコード、割引コード、クーポン、またはイベントへの参加者の登録に関連するその他のコードを使用することにより、参加者は、運営者が連絡先情報などの参加者の個人情報を、かかるコードに関連する団体、出展者、ベンダー、請負業者、または第三者と共有することを承認および許可することになります。























Terms of Service for Participation in the Event

(the “Terms of Service”)

By Participating in the Event or any part of the Event, each individual (each, a “Participant”) acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. As used herein, to “Participate” (or a Participant’s “Participation”) shall mean registering for, attending, accessing, entering or viewing the Event or any part of the Event, whether such Event is in a physical and/or digital format. If any Participant does not agree to these Terms of Service, such Participant should not Participate in the Event. In the event a Participant is a Minor (as defined herein), all uses of the term “Participant” in these Terms of Service shall also be deemed to include such Minor’s Guardian (as defined herein). 

As used in these Terms of Service, “Management” shall be defined as RX Japan Limited and its associated company, Reed Exhibitions, a division of RELX Inc. and, to the extent applicable, any partner organizations which work with RX Japan Limited or Reed Exhibitions, a division of RELX Inc. to produce or manage the Event, including, but not limited to, LucasFilm Ltd., a division of the Walt Disney Company and Disney Japan. The “Event” shall be defined as the Star Wars Celebration Japan 2025 event managed by Management, including any live and/or virtual component(s) thereto. The “Venue” shall be defined as each venue where any live component(s) of the Event are held, namely the Makuhari Messe, Chiba-city Japan. The “Platform” shall be defined collectively as each distribution platform and/or digital service provider utilized by Management in connection with the Event, including, but not limited to, the Event website(s). A Participant’s “Credentials” shall be defined as a valid individual identifier provided by Management which entitles a Participant to Participate in the Event in some way, whether such Credentials are a physical object (including, but not limited to, a badge, ticket, wristband, or other authorized means of entry) or an intangible object (including, but not limited to, a unique code, account, login, link, or other digital identifier).

At any time, Management may amend these Terms of Service without notice to Participant by posting the amended Terms of Service on the Event website. The continued Participation in the Event by a Participant shall constitute acceptance of any such amended Terms of Service.

Assumption of Risk and Release
Participant acknowledges that there are hazards and risks incidental to Participating in the Event. By accepting Credentials and/or by Participating in the Event, Participant freely and voluntarily assumes any and all risks which are incidental to the Event, regardless of severity and regardless of whether or not caused by the negligence of Management, including, but not limited to, loss, property damage, injury or damage to persons and/or death. Further, Participant acknowledges that there is an inherent risk of exposure to communicable disease, including, but not limited to, COVID-19, in any public place where people are present, and, by Participating in the Event, Participant freely and voluntarily assumes any and all risks related to such exposure. Participant agrees to follow all health and safety instructions, guidelines or standards issued by local or national government authorities, as well as any entry requirements, health and safety instructions, guidelines or standards for the Event which may be posted on-site at the Venue, within the Platform (including on the Event website) or as otherwise provided to Participant by Management. For the avoidance of doubt, health & safety requirements, including a health & safety acknowledgement and entry protocols, may be instituted for the Event at the sole discretion of Management and are incorporated by reference in these Terms of Service.

In consideration for Participating in the Event, Participant hereby releases and forever discharges Management, the Venue, the city in which the Venue is located (if the city owns the Venue), the Platform, each of their parent, affiliated, and subsidiary companies, and each of their respective agents, employees, officers, directors, trustees, shareholders, contractors, sponsors, and any third parties acting on their behalf (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses (including attorney fees) which are related to, arise from or out of, or are in any way connected to Participant’s Participation in the Event, whether or not such claims, actions, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses are caused by the negligence of the Released Parties or by the infringement or violation of any right. This release shall be effective and binding upon any heirs, agents, personal representatives or assigns of the Participant (and of the Guardian if the Participant is a Minor).

Incidentals to Participation
Participant acknowledges that he or she is solely responsible for any costs incurred in connection with any incidentals or expenses required in order to Participate in the Event or use the Credentials, including, but not limited to, travel, accommodations, Internet connection, mobile access and/or the use of any personal devices. Except as may be required by applicable law, Management will not be responsible or liable for any costs associated with Participation in the Event and all such costs shall be borne solely by the Participant. 

If physical Credentials are shipped to Participant, the title to such Credentials passes to Participant upon delivery of the Credentials from Management to the shipping company. To the extent such shipment of Credentials results in any duty or custom charges, Participant shall be solely responsible for such payment.

Access to the Event
Except as may be required by applicable law, Participant is solely responsible for ensuring that Participant is able to Participate in the Event, including, but not limited to, any requirements that Management specifies or makes available on the Event website, at the Venue or within the Platform. Management is not responsible for any technical difficulties arising as a result of Participant’s use of their own technology in connection with the Event. 

Personal Property
Upon entry to any portions of the Event held in the Venue, all Participants, their bags and other personal property may be subject to screening or security checks. Management expressly reserves the right to prohibit any personal property from entry into the Venue. 

All personal property brought to the Event is done so at Participant’s own risk and Participant is responsible for safeguarding such property at all times. Participant hereby acknowledges and agrees that Management is not responsible for, and shall have no liability resulting from, any loss or damage to any personal property belonging to Participant, including, but not limited to, loss or damage resulting from fire, storms, acts of God, air conditioning or heating failure, theft, pilferage, bomb threats, roof leaks, other attendees participating in the Event or other causes, to the extent consistent with applicable law.

No personal property may be left unattended while in or around the Venue. Management will handle unattended property however Management deems appropriate in its sole and absolute discretion. Any personal property which is left within the Venue upon the conclusion of the Event shall be considered abandoned and handled by Management accordingly.

Use of Credentials
All Credentials are a revocable license to Participate in the Event and Management reserves the right to revoke such license at any time in Management’s sole reasonable discretion. Credentials may only be used by the same individual Participant for all days of the Event. If Participant is on-site at the Venue, Participant must carry their Credentials with them at all times.

Loss of Credentials
Any Credentials which are purchased by, or otherwise made available to, Participant must be protected and safeguarded at all times. Participant hereby acknowledges and agrees that Management is not responsible for, and shall have no liability resulting from, any loss or damage to any Credentials.

Resale of Credentials
Once purchased, Event Credentials are non-refundable and non-transferable and cannot be reproduced, resold or upgraded. No resale of Credentials shall be permitted, except with the prior written approval from Management. Credentials are immediately rendered void if altered in any way. The unauthorized resale of Credentials (including, but not limited to, “scalping”), the attempted unauthorized resale of Credentials, the unauthorized assignment of Credentials, the creation of counterfeit Credentials, or the unauthorized transfer of any Credentials to a third party are strictly prohibited and constitute an immediate forfeiture of Participant’s Credentials without compensation from Management. 

Removal from the Event
Management expressly reserves its rights to deny admission or entry, to remove, ban or eject a Participant, or to revoke or terminate any Participant’s Credentials or access to any part of the Event, without refund, liability or compensation, as a result of: (1) failure to comply with these Terms of Service, including any requirements incorporated herein by reference; (2) any illegal, unsafe, offensive or threatened behavior which Management could reasonably consider to be disruptive of the Event; or (3) circumstances which Management determines may impact the safety, security or order of the Event, each in Management’s sole and absolute discretion. Any such determination by Management shall be final.

Proper Attire
At all times in connection with the Event, Participant will wear proper attire, including shoes and shirts. Management reserves the right to deny access or remove from the Event any participant wearing inappropriate attire or attire that could detract from the Event overall, in Management’s sole and absolute discretion.

Restrictions on Eligible Participants
Please refer to the Event website for the full guidelines regarding the Event admissions policy. At any time, in its sole reasonable discretion and except as otherwise prohibited by applicable law, Management may request that any Participant provide documentation relating to verification of their identification, age, industry credentials or certifications, whether or not described in these Terms of Service. Management reserves the right to deny entry, ban, or remove any Participant from further Participation in the Event if such Participant fails to provide the requested documentation or if such documentation is deemed insufficient by Management, in its sole and absolute discretion. 

A “Minor” shall be defined as any individual who is under eighteen (18) years of age or has not reached the age of majority as defined by such individual’s jurisdiction of residence. In order to Participate in the Event, including, but not limited to, admission into the Venue and access to the Platform, all Minors who are six (6) years of age or older will need their own Credentials. In order to Participate in the Event in any way, a Minor must obtain the permission of their parent or legal guardian (the “Guardian”) prior to any Participation, including, but not limited to, sending any information to Management, entering any sweepstakes or contests in connection with the Event, posting any information on the Event websites or Platform, or purchasing any Credentials or other goods or services related to the Event. The use of Credentials by a Minor or any Participation in the Event by a Minor is a representation and confirmation that such Minor has obtained the consent of their Guardian. Management recommends all Minors Participate in the Event with their Guardian; provided however, that Minors under the age of thirteen (13) MUST Participate in the Event with a Guardian, and if such Minor attends a live component of the Event they must be accompanied by a Guardian at all times in and around the Venue. NOTE: It is a Guardian’s sole responsibility to check the suitability of the Event for any Minors in such Guardian’s care, regardless of any official age restrictions which may be described in these Terms of Service.

Event Features

The Event’s operating hours, schedules, floor plans, exhibitors, vendors, guests and speakers are subject to change or cancellation without notice to Participants. All Event Features (as defined herein) are subject to availability and access is not guaranteed for all Participants. The “Event Features” shall be defined as any panels, special events, education sessions, classes, autographing sessions, photo ops, performances, screenings, webinars, networking events or other activities held by Management (whether in-person or virtually) as part of the Event. 

Access to certain Event Features may require an additional separately priced fee and/or will only be available to designated participants or types of Credentials. To the extent an Event Feature occurs at a specific time and for a specific set of participants, each authorized Participant will only be permitted access to such Event Feature during the specific time determined by Management. Management reserves all rights to deny entry, ban or remove any unauthorized participants from any such Event Feature.

Participant is solely responsible for Participating in the Event in a timely manner and for observing any specific times or time limits provided to Participant by Management. In the event Participant fails to Participate in any part of the Event at a specific time and Participant is subsequently unable to Participate in such part of the Event, Management shall have no obligation to provide a full or partial refund. Management is not responsible for delays and/or wait times in connection with any Event Features or with the Event itself. Management may reasonably change the time of an Event Feature in order to accommodate unexpected events, other Event Features being delayed or other Event Features ending earlier than expected or later than expected.

Cancellation Policy
Management reserves the right to cancel or postpone the Event, or any part of the Event, on limited or no notice in Management’s sole discretion. In the event of a cancellation or postponement of the Event, Management shall not be responsible or liable for any costs, damages, fees, expenses or other compensation associated with the Event. 

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Release of Likeness
    For good and valuable consideration, and in exchange for the opportunity to Participate in the Event, Participant hereby authorizes, permits and grants to Management, its parents, affiliates, sublicensees, designees, agents and assignees (including, without limitation, any sponsors, exhibitors or contractors to the Event), and each of their respective assignees, sublicensees and successors (collectively, the “Management Parties”), the royalty-free, absolute and irrevocable right and license to (i) record, photograph, and/or film the likeness, voice, appearance and/or image of such Participant while Participating in the Event (collectively, the “Likeness”); and (ii) publish, reproduce, portray, distribute and/or otherwise use the Likeness in all media formats (whether now known or hereafter existing), worldwide, solely in connection with the distribution, promotion and publicity of both the Event (including future editions thereof) and Management’s general business, services or products.

  2. Release of Participant Content
    From time to time, certain parts of the Event may allow Participants to submit, share, post, create or otherwise distribute (collectively, “Distribute” or “Distributing”) content, which may include, but is not limited to messages, text, sound, images, videos, data or other materials originating with Participant (collectively, the “Participant Content”). For good and valuable consideration, and in exchange for the opportunity to Participate in the Event, Participant acknowledges that, by Distributing any Participant Content as part of the Event, whether to Management directly, to the Management Parties, on the Platform or at the Venue generally, Participant thereby authorizes, permits and grants to the Management Parties a royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, assignable, unrestricted right and license to publish, reproduce, portray, modify, adapt, transmit, distribute, create derivative works from, and/or otherwise use the Participant Content in all media formats (whether now known or hereafter existing), worldwide, solely in connection with the distribution, promotion and publicity of both the Event (including future editions thereof) and/or Management’s general business, services or products. 

    Please note that any Participant Content is Distributed solely at Participant’s own risk. To the furthest extent permitted by applicable law, Participant hereby agrees that Management shall not be liable for any unauthorized copying, use, disclosure or distribution of any Participant Content by third parties and Participant releases and forever waives any claims against Management for any such unauthorized copying or usage of the Participant Content under any theory. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Management reserves the right to remove, discard, screen or edit any Participant Content at any time without notice to Participant in Management’s sole discretion and without any liability to Participant whatsoever. While Management has no obligation to monitor any Participant Content, Management reserves the right to do so and reserves the right to enforce the intellectual property rights of Management or of any third party.

  3. Representations and Warranties Regarding Intellectual Property

    The “Likeness” and all “Participant Content” shall collectively be defined as a Participant’s “Intellectual Property.” With respect to such Intellectual Property, Participant represents and warrants that: 

    1. Participant is the creator and owner of any Intellectual Property hereunder, or otherwise has obtained the necessary rights and authority to grant the rights described herein;
    2. to the extent the Intellectual Property contains the Likeness, name, marks, and/or other biographical or identifying information of Participant or of any third parties, Participant consents (or has obtained the required consents and/or licenses from any third parties) to the use of such Intellectual Property by the Management Parties, solely as described in these Terms of Service;
    3. the Management Parties may exercise the rights granted herein to the Intellectual Property without any additional financial liability, including, but not limited to, any compensation, royalties, residuals or fees to Participant or any relevant third party. Any claims for additional payment for the Management Parties’ use of the Intellectual Property (as described in these Terms of Service) in any media is expressly waived;
    4. Participant shall have no ownership in any media created by Management which incorporates the Intellectual Property (provided that Participant shall retain any ownership of any underlying Intellectual Property itself); 
    5. there shall be no expectation of any attribution to Participant;
    6. the Management Parties may use the Intellectual Property in any manner or media without first notifying Participant or any third party and Participant hereby waives any right to inspect or approve any such use;
    7. in connection with Management’s use of the Intellectual Property, Participant releases each of the Management Parties from any claims, causes of action, damages or liabilities which Participant may have in connection with the Intellectual Property, including, but not limited to, any moral rights or “droits moral” that Participant may have;
    8. any digital Intellectual Property does not contain any viruses, adware, spyware, worms, bombs, or other harmful or malicious code;
    9. the Intellectual Property does not and the use of the Intellectual Property by the Management Parties will not (A) infringe, violate, or misappropriate any third-party rights or proprietary rights; or (B) defame or slander any other person or legal entity; and
    10. the Intellectual Property will not violate any applicable laws or regulations.

    Management reserves all rights and remedies against any Participants who breach or violate these representations and warranties. Management is not liable for any Intellectual Property or for any loss or damage resulting therefrom and Management is under no obligation to store or return any Intellectual Property. While Management takes reasonable security measures in connection with the Event, Management does not guarantee the safety of any Intellectual Property and has no responsibility to do so.

  4. Acknowledgement
    Participant agrees and acknowledges they have read and understood this “Intellectual Property Rights” section and hereby expressly approves and consents to its terms, affirms their right and authority to agree to such terms, and waives all obligations and rights which such individual may have in connection therewith. For good and valuable consideration, for any Minor Participants, the Guardian hereby guarantees that the Minor shall not at any time disaffirm the release of the Intellectual Property by reason of the Minor’s minority or otherwise and hereby agrees to indemnify Management from any loss arising from any claims made by or on behalf of the Minor relating to this release.

Event Policies
At all times in connection with the Event, Participant is required to comply with and behave in accordance with (i) these Terms of Service; (ii) all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, regulations, standards and judicial or administrative orders; and (iii) any additional Event rules, regulations, codes of conduct, policies or procedures which may be posted at the Venue, on the Platform, or otherwise distributed to Participants by Management and as may be updated from time to time by Management (collectively, the “Event Policies”). By Participating in the Event, Participant acknowledges and agrees that Participant has read, agrees to comply with and will behave in accordance with the Event Policies.

The Event Policies apply to EVERYONE Participating in the Event in any manner whatsoever, Participants include, but are not limited to, exhibitors, speakers, guests, professionals, media, staff members, workers, contractors, volunteers, security or any other attendees or participants to the Event. Each Participant to the Event is solely responsible for their own conduct while Participating in the Event or any part of the Event. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all Participants who are Guardians are solely responsible for the conduct of the associated Minors Participating in the Event or any part of the Event. 

As part of the Event Policies, each Participant agrees that they will not, and will not directly or indirectly cause others to, do any of the following “Prohibited Activities” in connection with the Event:

  1. interfere with, damage, or engage in any act which disrupts the operation of the Event in any way, including but not limited to, obstructing aisles or entrances or exits, running, cutting in line, saving places in lines for others, jumping over barriers or guardrails, using foul language, screaming, yelling, encouraging disruptive behavior from others, disobeying any time limits, directions or prohibitions provided to Participant by Management’s staff and/or moderators or preventing any other participant from Participating in the Event by any means; 
  2. distribute, wear, transmit, upload, display or otherwise circulate any content which is inaccurate, unlawful, infringing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, harassing, threatening, abusive, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable to Management, in Management’s sole discretion;
  3. distribute printed or recorded materials of any kind unless prior written approval has been obtained from Management;
  4. impersonate any other person or entity or perform any similar fraudulent activities;
  5. sell goods or services, display goods or services, make solicitations of any kind or conduct any commercial activities without the prior written approval of Management;
  6. harvest, collect or attempt to collect the personal information, email addresses or other contact information of other participants in the Event without the consent of such participants;
  7. defame, harass, abuse, threaten or defraud other participants in the Event.
    1. Please note that Management has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for discrimination or harassment of any kind. Please review our full Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy on the Event website;
  8. circumvent, disable, damage, remove or otherwise interfere with the security, integrity or proper conduct of the Event;
  9. access any unauthorized part of the Event designated as only for Management use;
  10. access the Platform by means of any robot, spider, scraper, crawler or other automated means for any purpose;
  11. Participate in the Event for any illegal purpose or in violation of any applicable local, national or international law or regulation, including, without limitation, laws governing intellectual property and other proprietary rights, data protection and privacy;
  12. smoke within the Venue for a live Event, which includes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, vape pens, and marijuana;
  13. drink or possess alcohol within the Venue outside of the specifically designated areas. No one under the age of 20 may consume alcohol within or around the Venue;
  14. use, sell, possess or distribute any illegal drugs or other illegal substances, including, but not limited to, any medication that has not been legally obtained, is not being used in its intended dosage or for its intended purpose;
  15. assault, steal, fight, engage in or incite violence of any kind, including, but not limited to, verbal threats of violence;
  16. lining up for the Event at the Venue before 6:00 a.m. local time; and
  17. possess and/or use any of the following prohibited items in connection with the Event, including, without limitation:

Ownership of the Event
The Event is owned and/or operated by Management. Unless otherwise indicated, any materials provided to Participant in connection with the Event including, but not limited to, any images, videos, logos, advertisements, promotional copy, information, data, content, educational materials, trademarks, service marks and other materials displayed or distributed in connection with the Event (but excluding any Participant Content, as defined herein) (collectively, the “Materials”) are the property of Management, its affiliated companies or third-party licensors. 

Each Participant is granted a limited, non-sublicensable license (i.e. a personal and limited right) to Participate in the Event and utilize the Materials solely for Participant’s personal use. Management may terminate this license at any time, without notice. Each Participant agrees that nothing herein shall be deemed a grant of any intellectual property rights or other rights to use the Materials except as expressly provided by Management in writing. Any use of the Event or the Materials except as specifically authorized in these Terms of Service, without the prior written permission of Management, is strictly prohibited. 

Participant agrees that they have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality with respect to the Event (including, without limitation, any “private” interactions with other Event participants and/or guests) and that Participation in the Event shall at all times be subject to these Terms of Service and may be monitored by Management without notice. 

By Participating in the Event or by submitting information to Management in connection with the Event, Participant agrees to the terms of Management’s Privacy Policy, located at http://privacy.reedexpo.com/ and which may be updated by Management at any time. The continued Participation in the Event shall constitute a Participant’s acceptance of any such updated Privacy Policy. All Participants are expected to review the Privacy Policy carefully before Participating in the Event and Participant acknowledges that, in the event of a conflict or inconsistency between these Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy, the terms of the Privacy Policy shall prevail, govern and control.

To change communication preferences at any time, visit the Reed Exhibitions communication center (https://www.recusprivacy.com/). If Participant has questions, comments or requests regarding Management’s Privacy Policy or how Management processes personal information, Participant may also access Management’s “Privacy Center” at any time at: https://privacy.reedexpo.com/en-gb/privacy-centre.html.

In addition, Participant authorizes and permits Management to share Participant’s personal information, including, but not limited to, their contact information, with such affiliated entities, exhibitors, vendors, contractors, or third parties (i) with which Participant authorizes in connection with the Event, including, but not limited to, scanning Credentials in connection with a live Event, accessing such third party’s content in connection with a digital Event, or utilizing any Digital Technologies (as defined herein); and/or (ii) which may offer products, services, and/or goods that may be of interest to Participant. By use of a valid registration code, promotional code, discount code, coupon, or other code in connection with Participant’s registration for the Event, Participant thereby authorizes and permits Management to share Participant’s personal information, including, but not limited to, their contact information, with such entities, exhibitors, vendors, contractors or third parties associated with such code.

Digital Technologies” are defined as the Platform; any distribution or technology platforms for any digital aspects to the Event; any on-site or web-enabled technologies, including, but not limited to, on-site Wi-Fi, on-site interactive kiosks, wearable beacon technology and/or RFID technology; and any mobile applications associated with the Event. The Event’s Digital Technologies are neither directed at nor intended for use by Minors under the age of thirteen (13). Management does not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of thirteen (13), and if Management becomes aware that it has inadvertently done so, Management will promptly delete such personal information. All Minor Participants are hereby instructed not to access, or Participate with in any way, the Digital Technologies unless done so with the express consent of these Terms of Service by their Guardian. Further, Minor Participants under the age of thirteen (13) should only Participate in the Digital Technologies under the direct supervision of their Guardian, if such Participation is permitted by Management in Management’s sole discretion. 

Management reserves the right to modify, suspend, extend or terminate the Event, or any part thereof, or any Participant’s Participation thereto if Management determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that the Event or any part thereof has been, or is suspected to be, tampered with or disrupted due to causes beyond Management’s control in a manner which may undermine or corrupt the security, integrity or feasibility of the Event or any portion thereof as contemplated herein. Although Management shall endeavor to ensure the security and integrity of the Event, in the event the Event or any part thereof is terminated or has any change in date, time, or location, for any reason beyond Management’s control, Management shall not be liable to Participant in any way and Management shall have no further financial obligations to Participant.

Additionally, Management is not responsible for the actions of any other Event participants in connection with the Event, including, but not limited to, any participant’s attempt to circumvent or otherwise interfere with the security, integrity, or proper conduct of the Event. Participant’s interactions with third parties, including, but not limited to, guests and other participants in connection with the Event, are solely between Participant and such third party. Participant acknowledges and agrees that Management will not be responsible for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, or liabilities incurred as the result of such interactions with third parties. Management is also not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any network or lines, servers or providers, equipment or software which are beyond Management’s control, including, but not limited to, any injury or damage to Participant or Participant’s property resulting from Participation in the Event. 

Limitation of Liability


Acknowledgment of Terms of Service
By Participating in the Event, Participant acknowledges and agrees that Participant has read, and agrees to comply with, the Terms of Service stated herein and agrees that these terms shall be construed by and governed in accordance with the laws of Japan and that, with respect to any dispute arising out of these terms, the sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall lie with the Tokyo courts.. Except where prohibited by applicable law, Participant acknowledges and agrees that any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with these Terms of Service or with the Event shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action. For the avoidance of doubt, registration for the Event, Participation in the Event and/or the purchase or use of Credentials shall be considered acknowledgement of, and agreement to, these Terms of Service. 

If there is a fee to obtain the Credentials, Participant authorizes Management, or its designees, to charge the amount specified above to the designated credit card.

Management shall have sole authority over all aspects of the planning, promotion, production and operation of the Event, including, without limitation, determining the Venue or the Platform, scheduling or rescheduling the Event and determining if, when and for how long the Event will occur.

Reservation of Rights; No Waiver
Management reserves all rights not expressly disclaimed in these Terms of Service. Management reserves the right to take any action that is reasonably necessary in the sole judgment of Management for the protection of the Event and/or the participants. Neither the failure of Management to require strict compliance with any provision of these Terms of Service nor the failure, delay or omission by Management in exercising any right with respect to any provision of these Terms of Service will be construed as a waiver or relinquishment to any extent of Management’s right to assert or rely upon any such provision or right in that or any other instance.

Any provision of these Terms of Service which imposes an obligation on a Participant after the Event concludes shall be deemed to survive the conclusion of the Event.

If any provision of these Terms of Service is judged to be invalid or unenforceable, the defective provision shall first be revised, limited or amended, consistent with the general intent of the provision, such that it is valid and enforceable, and the remaining provisions of these Terms of Service shall be unaffected and shall remain enforceable.

The section headings in these Terms of Service are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretations of these Terms of Service.

Integration; Non-Reliance; Remedies Cumulative
These Terms of Service, including the terms incorporated by reference herein, constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable in accordance with its terms. Participant acknowledges that, in agreeing to these Terms of Service, he or she has not relied on and shall have no right or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently) other than as expressly set out in these Terms of Service. The rights and remedies provided by these Terms of Service are cumulative and use of any one right or remedy by either Participant or Management shall not preclude or waive the right to use any or all other rights or remedies. Such rights and remedies are given in addition to any other rights or remedies Participant and Management may have by law, statute, ordinance, or otherwise.