Welcome Yule: A Midwinter Video Celebration

Sun. Dec 13, 2020 at 2:00pm EST
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Welcome Yule: A Midwinter Video Celebration, Dec 11, & 12 at 7:30 p.m, Dec 13th 2 p.m.

Tickets are a suggested donation of $10 with a $5-$100 sliding scale and will benefit both the Welcome Yule and Shea Theater Directly. It will appear as though the tickets are $100 but just make sure to enter your chosen ticket price. If you have any issues, don't hesitate to email gettotheshea@gmail.com. In these hard times every dollar goes a long way.

We are excited to announce that via the miracle of video, Welcome Yule 2020 is happening!

We have selected a collection of entertaining performances from 30 years past, all the way back to 1991, to produce this year’s video show. Some new versions of songs and poetry, safely recorded by WY cast members at home, enhance the show. But this year you, your friends and family, far and near, will be able to enjoy watching Welcome Yule 2020 from anywhere in the world during the coldest time of the northern hemisphere. 

In conjunction with the Shea Theater Art Center, the video will be shown on December 11, & 12th at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 13th at 2p.m. – save the dates!

Please make sure you include your email address when you purchase the tickets. You will receive the performance viewing link via email on the day of the performance with detailed information. If you have any questions, please email program coordinator of the Shea Theater Arts Center at: gettotheshea@gmail.com

Check www.welcomeyule.orghttps://sheatheater.org/calendar and Welcome Yule’s community Facebook page for more information.

“See” you there – wassail!

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Venue Details
Shea Theater Arts Center 71 Avenue A
Turner's Falls, MA Massachusetts 01376