Welcome Yule Presents: A Midwinter Celebration
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Welcome Yule - Music, Dance, Songs and Stories to Drive the Dark Away - Annual, Mid-Winter Celebration, this year weaving together English, Scottish and Celtic traditions of Yule (wintersolstice), Hogmanay (Scottish New Year's celebration), a bit of Robert Burns, and Imbolc (the feast of St. Brigid, who raises fallen Winter and brings forth new life in Spring, celebrated on February 1st), bringing the audience on a journey from one side of winter to the other. In sharing songs and traditions of olden times we feed a basic yearning for connection, with each other and the natural world in all its layers, remembering from simpler times what is important. Real
magic happens - the magic of ancient traditions like the Abbotts Bromley horn dance, when eerie, antlered figures weave through the audience accompanied by a haunting tune. The magic of the renewal of life arising out of death. The magic of singing and dancing to drive the dark away to lift our spirits with the promise of the return of the light. The magic of storytelling, of puppetry, of superstitions. The magic of audience engagement - singing along, touching holly to the Yule log, and joining with the cast at show's end where the distinction between performers and audience members dissolves. The families of Welcome Yule have built a creative, loving
community and draw audiences into that energy. We are so excited to be in person again this year after two virtual years due to covid. We kindly request that audience members wear masks inside the Shea. Thank you!
Turner's Falls, MA Massachusetts 01376