bubly Tubing New Year's Eve Party
Sat. Dec 31, 2022 at 10:00pm EST
All Ages
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Celebrate New Year's Eve with your family at the bubly Tubing New Year's Eve Party! Admission includes two hour snowtubing session from 10 p.m.-12 a.m., snacks, party favors and live music with DJ AJ Stack! Enjoy a bubly toast at midnight and samples all night long!
This is an alcohol free event.
Tubing Rules and Regulations:
- Acknowledgment of inherent risk - all Participants must sign and turn in their waiver
- All Participants must possess a valid tubing ticket- No Ticket Sharing
- All Participants must go through the tubing orientation (Prior to Session) previous days or season orientations do not count as daily updates consist.
- Riding Requirements
- One rider per tube
- The rider must be seated in the center of the tube.
- Participants must be able to fit inside the tube properly
- Participant must sit in tube with legs between handles
- No Superman positions
- Small children may sit with legs in the tube, but must remain leaning back against the tube
- Tubers wearing ski boots may only ride single.
- All participants must follow instructions given by employees.
- All participants must not go down any lane until directed by an employee when lane is clear.
- No personal sleds, tubes or dogs allowed
- Height Requirement
- 42” minimum for tubing
- Participants must adhere to the time limit associated with the product purchased
- Participants must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Linking tubes is permitted after testing is complete and up to the Activity leadership and Team lead’s discretion
- A maximum of two tubes may be linked at a time
- No “trains”, “Snakes” or “Chains”
- Due to lane conditions, linked tubes speed must be monitored at all times
- Participants must pull back hair and secure any loose items while on the tube lift and
Tubing hill
- Lockers are available inside the tubing building
- Personal items may be stored around the tubing building, but the resort is not responsible for monitoring items
- Backpacks are permitted, but must be turned to the front of the participant while riding down the tubing hill