The Power Improv Toolkit with Joe Bill

Sun. Apr 24, 2022 10:00am - 12:00pm EDT
18 and Over
18 and Over
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18 and Over
Event Description

Power Improv Toolkit

In this workshop I will share with you tools for Impro scene and character work. My toolkit is made up of tools and techniques from my more than 40 years of experience with improvisation. The aim is to help improvisers move from negative feelings, or areas of defecit when they play (anxiety, weakness and confusion), towards a powerful connection to self, scene partner and scene. Students are invited to share issues they are facing in their impro lives at the beginning of the intensive and I will provide tools & exercises to help them, with both behavior and mind, and lessons that can be applied immediately in everyone’s impro play.

About Joe Bill

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Venue Details
Madcap Education Center 3064 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45211