OLF Conference 2020

Thu. Nov 5, 2020 at 10:00am - Sat. Nov 7, 2020 at 9:00pm EST
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OLF Conference 2020

We are excited that you will be joining us at the 2020 OLF Conference!

Like most things this year OLF Conference will be a bit different, the biggest being that we will be virtual.

We've working created special experiences to take advantage of our opportunity being virtual.

Registered attendees will be invited to our Slack and Zoom sessions. Expect additional e-mail after registering with more details.

Also, check out our schedule, opening with a special watch party of Code Rush on Thursday November 5 and two days of Free Software talks on Friday and Saturday November 7 and 8 starting at 11:30 AM Eastern.

OLF Conference is a tax-deductible non-profit organization and our staff is all volunteers. Traditionally, sponsors and attendees entirely fund the event. Most years, we typically only bring in enough funds to cover the expenses for the event that year. With expenses being lower this year, this is the opportunity for us to get on stronger financial footing. Your support by being a paid attend is greatly appreciated. We're working on some surprises for paid attendees and we'll recognize your contribution at the next in person event as well. We appreciate your generosity and continued support, we do this for you!

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