Murder at the Movies

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Murder at the Movies

In 1925, famed movie director Abel Gardner is killed in an accident while filming his latest picture, The Shadow of the Sphinx. Ninety-five years later, Paradox Pictures decided to complete and restore the legendary director’s last film. During production, however, director Dextor Reilly is killed in a similar accident. Is the movie truly cursed? Or did someone cut the arrogant director from his own film? And if it was murder, who did it? Wardrobe mistress Madge Durbin, a woman who’s been in Hollywood long enough to have secrets that must stay hidden? Best Boy Kip Stewart, an enthusiastic kid whose family has been in the movie business for generations? Leading Lady Lauren Taylor, who will stay a leading lady as along as wardrobe, makeup, and maybe murder keep her there? Grant Cooper, the vain leading man with a gambling problem? Young starlet Hilary Hayes, who would do almost anything to make it to the top? Danny O’Connor, the character actor who would kill for a leading role? Director’s assistant and former Marine Hilda Demerest must screen the daily rushes and cast the murderer.

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Rochester Borough Complex 350 Adams Street
Rochester, PA 15074
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