Jason B. Rosenthal Memoir

Thu. Feb 11, 2021 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
All Ages
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All Ages
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Jason B. Rosenthal Memoir

In conversation with Briana Schwartz, Sharsheret Florida Regional director

On March 3, 2017, Amy Krouse Rosenthal penned an op-ed piece for The New York Times​’s ​“Mod­ern Love” col­umn ​“You May Want to Mar­ry My Hus­band.” It appeared ten days before her death from ovar­i­an can­cer. This cre­ative play on a per­son­al ad in which a dying wife encour­aged her hus­band to go on and find hap­pi­ness after her demise, quick­ly went viral world­wide. This inspir­ing mem­oir of life, love, loss and new begin­nings by the wid­ow­er of best­selling children’s author and film­mak­er, Amy Krouse Rosen­thal, is heart­break­ing, wry and bru­tal­ly hon­est. Jason describes his com­mit­ment to respect Amy’s wish even as he strug­gled with her loss. Sur­vey­ing his life before, with, and after Amy, Jason rumi­nates on love, the pain of watch­ing a loved one suf­fer, and what it means to heal;how he and their three chil­dren, despite their pro­found sor­row, went on. Jason’s emo­tion­al jour­ney offers insights on dying and death, the excru­ci­at­ing pain of los­ing a soul­mate and a reflection on Amy’s gift to him—a fresh start to fill his emp­ty space with a new sto­ry.

Jason B. Rosenthal is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Dear Boy, co-written with his daughter, Paris. He is the board chair of the Amy Krouse Rosenthal Foundation, which supports childhood literacy and research in early detection of ovarian cancer.

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Alper JCC 11155 SW 112 Avenue
Miami, FL 33176