Homeschool Wednesday: Glenn Brown Tour

Wed. Oct 19, 2016 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
6-12 years of age (and parent or caregiver)
6-12 years of age (and parent or caregiver)
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6-12 years of age (and parent or caregiver)
Event Description
Homeschool Wednesday: Glenn Brown Tour

Where do artists find inspiration for their work? What if their ideas come from other artists? These are of some the questions we’ll explore during October’s homeschool program. Join us as we tour the work of British artist Glenn Brown and find out more about the use of appropriation in his paintings. Students will learn about the style and techniques Brown uses then create their own works, inspired by both his paintings and sculptures.

This program is designed for children ages 6-12 and their parent or caregiver. Space is limited. Tickets must be obtained in advance to reserve each child’s placement. There will be no charge for members but registration through Showclix is still required. There is a $5.00 charge per child for nonmembers.

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Venue Details
the West End Project 1800 Freeman Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45214