Freedom Through Forgiveness

Sat. Mar 3, 2018 at 8:00am EST
18 and Over
18 and Over
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18 and Over
Event Description

 Freedom Through Forgiveness is a mindful improv workshop is designed to help participants interrupt feelings of shame, resentment, unworthiness or hatred (directed at self or others). These feelings are often caused by the need for forgiveness.

We’ll use carefully chosen improv and mindfulness exercises as well as times of guided reflection to identify opportunities for forgiveness, and learn practical strategies for choosing forgiveness in every day life.

The Schedule:

8:00am – Doors open: Bagels, coffee, tea and juice are served; Child care registration opens (On-site child care is provided at no extra charge, although you must RSVP in advance to take advantage of this service.)

8:30am – 12:30pm: Your improv and mindfulness experience begins. This will be a safe environment to relate, reflect and grow. You’ll get practical strategies for practicing forgiveness for yourself and/or for other people: even if they didn’t ask for it or deserve it.

After the workshop, participants will have access to a private Facebook group for Improvising the Office members only. Cultivating more joy and peace in our lives is a process and it’s much easier when you’re not alone.

What to bring: A journal, a pen and a yoga mat (if desired.) 

About Improv: Improv is a form of comedy where everything is made up on the spot. Improv can only be successful when the players are listening carefully, supporting each other readily, staying fully present and committing fully to the current scene. Improv is vulnerable and terrifying, but also meaningful and so much fun. The skills that make a great improviser (listening, openness, sacrificial teamwork, vulnerability, confidence & present mindedness to name a few) transcend the stage and when applied to what’s inside, can be truly transformative.

About Mindfulness: Mindfulness is essentially the practice of choosing to be fully aware of what’s happening inside and around you in any given moment. It is all about curiosity and acceptance. It can be a very useful tool for identifying the source of a thought or feeling, since the point is simply to discover, not to judge.

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Venue Details
Map of Venue Location.
Pittsburgh Mennonite Church 2018 South Braddock Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15218