Organ Recital by Dr. Michał Szostak, Poland
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Join us for a special recital premiere by a renowned Polish concert organist, Dr. Michał Szostak. The program, played on his home instrument in Warsaw, Poland, celebrates J.S. Bach's 335th birthday year. A gifted improviser, Dr. Szostak will also take various musical subjects and develop them in different musical styles. The recital ends with the famous Polonaise from the movie "Pan Tadeusz" by Wojciech Kilar (1932--2013): a musical tribute to Poland for all our friends.
About the Artist:
Michał Szostak studied organ playing as part of an artistic internship at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw in Prof. Andrzej Chorosiński’s class, as well as organ improvisation at the Pontificio Istituto Ambrosiano di Musica Sacra in Milan, Italy in Maestro Davide Paleari’s class. In February 2019, he obtained an academic degree of Doctor of Musical Arts in the field of “Instrumental Studies” in discipline of “Organ Performance” based on the dissertation of “Organ, as a source of inspiration in the art of improvisation and performance practice” written under the direction of Prof. Andrzej Chorosiński. He regularly participates in master classes on organ works and liturgical music. He has performed in Europe, North America and Africa: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, Poland, Ukraine, and the USA. His articles have appeared in Britain’s “The Organ”, and America’s “The Diapason” and “The Vox Humana”. Since 2013 he has been a member of The Royal College of Organists, England.
A message from Dr. Szostak:
In planning my international concert tours I always look for interesting instruments. I want to be able to feel the whisper of the past and the shadow of people and their cultural achievements. Even the deepest research and the greatest books are not able do give us as much as we can take from real contact with the historical artefacts. My first contact with Erben organ in NYC was via Internet, but from the first moment I saw a beautiful example of my searching goals: a magnificent organ in beautiful building – with great history in each detail. When I read about the actions which are focused on restoring this beautiful machine with soul, I wanted to help in this uneasy process. I know – from the other perspective – how hard it is to gain attention and funds on projects like this. I hope that together we can put a small brick in this huge project and be part of a community of people who are sensitive for the most valuable cultural works like the Erben organ.
Planując moje miedzynarodowe koncerty, zawsze poszukuję interesujących instrumentów. O ile to możliwe, chcę móc poczuć szept przeszłości i zobaczyć cień minionych pokoleń i ich kulturowych osiągnięć. Mój pierwszy kontakt z organami Erbena w NYC nastąpił dzięki Internetowi, jednakże od pierwszej chwili zobaczyłem wspaniały przykład celu, jaki mi przyświeca: niesamowite organy w przepięknym wnętrzu – ze wspaniałą historią w każdym detalu. Kiedy przeczytałem o działaniach zmierzających do restauracji tej wspaniałej maszyny z duszą, chciałem pomóc w tym niełatwym procesie. Doskonale wiem – z innej perspektywy – jak trudno jest skupić uwagę otoczenia i zdobyć fundusze na taki projekt. Ufam, że wspólnie uda nam się dołożyć choćby małą cegiełkę w tym ogromnym projekcie i być częścią społeczności ludzi wrażliwych na najbardziej wartościowe dzieła kultury, jakim bez wątpienia są organy Erbena.
Video of Dr. Szostak performing:
Sortie Grand-Choeur, Louis-James-Alfred Lefébure-Wély (1817-1869), at the Bazylika Najświętszej Maryi Panny Licheńskiej (Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń), Licheń Stary, Poland
Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń Stary in Licheń Stary, Poland, where Dr. Szostak was Principal Organist from 2011-2018. The Basilica contains the largest pipe organ in Poland (Zych, 157 stops, 6 Manuals + Pedal)
Erben Organ Days 2020 is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by LMCC.
New York State Council on the Arts
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