Eastertide in the Gardens
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Weather Update: The event is still being held on Saturday. Please dress for forecasted spring showers! If you would prefer to use your purchased tickets for General Admission on a different date, your tickets will be honored.
Saturday Morning Update:
Our staff, volunteers, and the Easter Bunny look forward to welcoming you to Eastertide today! If you choose not to attend, we will honor your tickets for general admission on another day – just bring your printed or electronic Eastertide ticket to the main entrance. NOTE: All invited food vendors will not be in attendance today – so bring snacks and/or lunch. Come enjoy egg gathering, lawn games, contests, facepainting by Ms. Sheila, and of course, strolling through the Gardens in the rain.
All my best,
Hop into the Gardens! The beauty of spring at the Gardens sets the stage for this fun-filled family event. Children and families may follow a map of the Gardens’ paths to gather eggs at designated “egg stations” and enjoy contests, games and vendors on the Great Lawn.
All guests - members and non-members - are encouraged to purchase online tickets in advance to this often sold-out event.
TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE UNLESS EVENT IS CANCELLED BY THE ELIZABETHAN GARDENS. If inclement weather or other conditions prevent the event from occurring, a notice will be sent out to all anticipated guests by 9am.
Guests must park in designated spaces. Overflow parking will be available at the National Park Service parking lot.
- Instagram: @ElizabethanGardens
Follow the event with #ElizabethanGardens