What's New in Copyright & Entertainment: A Review of Recent Case Law [1.5 Hrs. MCLE Available]

Wed. Feb 22, 2017 7:00pm - 8:30pm PST
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What's New in Copyright & Entertainment: A Review of Recent Case Law

With Robert Rotstein, Esq.

1.5-Hrs. of MCLE Credit per attendee is available for this program. Please add MCLE credit during checkout if desired.

Over the past year, there have been significant developments in copyright, trademark, right of publicity, and entertainment law.  Robert Rotstein will discuss the major cases, with an emphasis on how they affect the rights of artists, publishers, producers, and distributors of intellectual property.  The program is appropriate both for those who practice art and entertainment law and those who want to become familiar with those areas.

Robert RotsteinPresenter: Robert Rotstein, Esq. is a partner at Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP.  He specializes in litigation with a focus on intellectual property and technology, copyright, and entertainment matters.  Mr. Rotstein is a frequent lecturer on copyright law, defamation, trademark law, and legal ethics, recently at the Los Angeles Copyright Society, Southwestern School of Law, and the USC Intellectual Property Institute.

This program is designed for an attorney audience, but all members of the community are welcome.

[Parking at LMU is $9.00]


[1.5 Hrs. MCLE is available for this program: $25 at checkout]


  • General Admission: $20 Online (+ Processing Fees).

  • CLA Members: $10 Online (+ Processing Fees). Requires Member Access Code.

  • CLA Senior Members $5 Online (+ Processing Fees). Requires Member Access Code.

  • CLA Student Members $5 Online (+ Processing Fees). Requires Member Access Code.

  • [$10 Extra At-the-Door] (+ Processing Fees). 

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Venue Details
Map of Venue Location.
Loyola Law School 919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
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