Bristol Renaissance Faire 2025 Holidazzle Sale
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Save $10 per adult ticket NOW through January 5, 2025. And as an extra gift to you: no processing fees!
Holidazzle tickets are valid any Saturday or Sunday beginning July 5, 2025, with the last valid date of July 20, 2025. No reservations required. Don't miss this sale.
All tickets will have the date "July 5" on them. This is a placeholder date based on our opening day. You do not need to use the tickets on July 5 but must use them by July 20, 2025.
It wouldn’t be summer without the Bristol Renaissance Faire! The iconic, award-winning event will open on Saturday, July 5, for nine weekends closing on Labor Day Monday, September 1. The Faire offers an exciting, eclectic mix of fun and frivolity and magical immersive entertainment to be discovered on thirty-plus acres just a short drive from either Chicago or Milwaukee and right off of I94.
Hundreds of costumed performers await you as you enter the gates into the Faire’s magical village replete with pubs, shops, demonstrations, games, and fantastic food for vegans, vegetarians, and foodies alike. Play along and join us as your alter ego be it King, Queen, pirate, sorcerer, or anything you want to be for the day. Or don’t come in costume at all. For many, people-watching is a favorite pastime at the Faire. It’s your day. Enjoy it your way.
The Pub Crawl, themed weekends, and RenQuest are some of the other options we offer to enhance your experience at the Faire.
Join us!
- Twitter: @BristolRenFaire
- Instagram: @bristolrenaissance
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