The Revelers

Wed. Sep 4, 2013 at 7:00pm EDT
21 and Over
21 and Over
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21 and Over
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The Revelers

“Cultural renaissance? Smultural renaissance! If this record doesn’t make get up and dance, then you must be physically handicapped. If it doesn’t teach you something about life, then you must certainly be very wise already. And if it does not, at any point, bring a tear to your eye? Then you must have either a malfunctioning tear duct or a heart of stone.

Whipsmart songwriting, outrageous musical chops, and cutting-edge production have made this record a fixture on my stereo. I cannot stop listening to it. It’s not easy to create something brand-new and forward thinking which also lives smack-dab in the middle of history and acknowledges its roots. But The Revelers have done all that and more. I give this my highest possible recommendation.”

Blake Leyh, Music Supervisor, HBO’s Treme

“‘The Revelers’ are master musicians who love the music they play. Their infectious enthusiaim for the music and the culture is an inspiration to all. That’s why we keep inviting them back to teach at our Ashokan Fiddle & Dance Camps year after year.”

Jay Ungar, Founder of The Ashokan Fiddle and Dance Camps and fiddler/composer of Ashokan Farewell

“Back by popular demand. The Revelers ‘rock’!!! And they honky tonk, which is exactly what the music lovers and dancers in our community have come to crave and appreciate the Revelers and their energized performances. In a heartbeat the Revelers pass our Honky Tonk Dance Hall litmus test – danceability. Place the Revelers in hall full of people, and say, “hit it” … then hours later people are still smiling and sweating, having been moved to groove to what they were ‘hit’ with. Dancers love the variety of the styles delivered with joy and command – Western Swing, Cajun, Zydeco, Tex-Mex, Swamp Pop … the Revelers define modern Honky Tonk. Believe you me, the Revelers will be back by popular demand.”

Bruce Handelman Honky Tonk Dance Hall at the Harmony House in Webster NY
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Venue Details
Sportsmens Tavern 326 Amherst Street
Buffalo, NY 14207
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