PVGP Schenley Park Race Weekend Admission

Sat. Jul 24, 2021 at 8:00am - Sun. Jul 25, 2021 at 5:00pm EDT
All Ages
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Charity Event
The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Association is a 501c3 charity that stages our event to raise funds that provide residential care, treatment, and support for individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities in the Pittsburgh region served by the Autism Society of Pittsburgh and Merakey Allegheny Valley School. Since 1983 we have raised $5.9 million.
Please help us to continue hosting this world-class event and raise important funds for individuals with autism!

$5 Weekend Admission - 13 and Older
Beginning this year, the PVGP is asking a $5 admission donation from all walk-in spectators aged 13 and older. Kids 12 and under get in free. This is good for Saturday, July 24, and Sunday, July 25.Car show entrants, racers, sponsors and Patron Parkers who enter in their vehicles and will be given a wristband as they drive in.

Park on Flagstaff Hill for $25 and Get in Free
Park on Flagstaff Hill for $25 and up to 5 people in the car receive a wristband for free entry into the event. A free air-conditioned shuttle bus will take you to the golf course or start/finish line. Flagstaff Hill is across the street from the Phipps Conservatory. Enter from the intersection of Frew Street Schenley Drive.

Redeem your tickets at these entrances:
- Main Entrance at Schenley Drive and Forbes Avenue
- East Circuit Road at Darlington Road intersection
- North Umberland Street at Schenley Drive.
- Schenley Drive at Frew Street.
- Beacon Street gate.

A Full Weekend of Races, Car Shows and Attractions
Your wristband will give you full access to the car shows and vendor tents on the golf course and the race side activities, pit, and paddock at the Start/Finish Line. Here are links to some of the weekend's activities:

International Car Show
Vintage Indy Exhibition
Italian Cortile
British Car Day – Saturday July 24
Vintage Ride Experience – Saturday July 24
Vintage Races thru the streets of Schenley Park
Opening Ceremonies – Sunday, July 25
Spectator Parking on Flagstaff Hill

British Car Day
Corvette Marque of the Year

Shuttle Buses

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Venue Details
Schenley Park Golf Course 5370 Schenley Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
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