Rock Away Cystic Fibrosis Music Festival 2017
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Rock Away Cystic Fibrosis Music Festival is a two-day benefit concert to raise money for the 501 c3 nonprofit organization, Beau Means Business Foundation. BMBF's mission is to increase Cystic Fibrosis awareness in the community, offer programs to those with CF in the Brazos Valley, and fund Cystic Fibrosis research. Rock Away Cystic Fibrosis Music Festival is held at the Lakeside Icehouse on beautiful Lake Bryan in Bryan, TX. Rock Away CF is for all ages. In addition to live music, there will also be a silent auction & a kids zone. So come out & support this meaningful cause, while also having a great time!
Additional Information/Updates: Visit Beau Means Business Foundation to learn more about our mission of helping people with Cystic Fibrosis.
Saturday, May 13th Lineup
Zac Wilkerson
(9:30 - 11pm)
Andrew Duhon
(7:30 - 9pm)
If Birds Could Fly
(5:30 - 7pm)
Haley Cole
(3:45 - 5pm)
Jackie Darlene
(3:45 - 5pm)
Kathy Ross
(2:20 - 3:20pm)
Jefferson Clay
(1 - 2pm)
Friday, May 12th Lineup
Jackie Darlene, Jordan York, & Jerod Justice
(9:30 - 11pm)
Christopher Crow, Julia Hatfield, & Brad Thomas
(7 - 9:30pm)
Frequently Asked Questions
Allowed & Prohibited Items
- Allowed
- blankets
- pets (have to be on a leash)
- Prohibited
- outside food & beverages
- umbrellas
- skateboards
- bicycles
- alcohol (alcohol will be available at the venue)
- no smoking
- weapons of any kind
Am I Allowed to Exit & Re-enter
Yes, you will be allowed to exit & re-enter during the entire event.
Lost Ticket/Ticket Information
For all questions related to lost tickets email BMBF at All patrons must possess a ticket to enter the Palace Theater. Children under 10 are free with an adult ticket. The Kid Zone, located outside the theater, does not require a ticket and is FREE to the public.
Attendance Information for People with Cystic Fibrosis
Because of health risks to people with CF, it is the policy of the Beau Means Business Foundation that individuals with CF who have had a positive sputum culture for Burkholderia cepacia complex (B. cepacia) shall not attend events sponsored by the Beau Means Business Foundation. BMBF recommends that people with Cystic Fibrosis adhere to the "Six Foot Rule". Ask a Rock Away CF staff volunteer about providing you with a pin, so individuals with CF can recognize one another.
ADA Accomadations
Email BMBF at to schedule accomadations.
Rain or Shine. Ticket is for Rock Away Cystic Fibrosis benefit concert, not for a specific artist. Artists and schedule subject to change without notice. Artist cancellation is not grounds for refund. The ticket is a revocable license for the time/date listed on the ticket. "Management" means ,Beau Means Business Foundation. Management reserves the right without the refund of any portion of the ticket purchase price, to refuse admission or to eject any person who fails to comply with the rules of the venue, local, state or federal law or whose conduct is deemed illegal, disorderly, or offensive by Management. Persons entering the facility are subject to search for contraband. Ticket user bears all risks of personal injury incidental to the event, whether occurring before, during or after the event. Ticket user bears all risks, including cancellation of the event and of inclement weather. The resale or attempted resale of the ticket higher than that appearing on the ticket is prohibited and if discovered will result in the ticket being voided without refund.
Bryan, TX 77807