Messiah Sing-Along Concert 2013
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EXPERIENCE A HOLIDAY TRADITION SURROUNDED BY TIFFANY MASTERPIECES at the magnificently restored Calvary United Methodist Church in historic Allegheny West. Audience invited to sing on five beloved choruses at this Family-Friendly concert of Handel's beloved oratorio: --And the Glory of the Lord --O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion --For Unto Us a Child is Born --Glory to God --Hallelujah MESSIAH by George Frideric Handel Brian Burns, Music Director Featured soloists: Anna Singer, soprano Mary Beth Sederburg, alto Christopher Quigley, tenor Matthew Hunt, baritone Calvary Renewal Choir & Chamber Orchestra Cookie reception by Fabled Table with the artists follows in the Victorian Chapel. Audience Members are encouraged to bring 1 pound non-perishable food items for Northside Common Ministries pantry. Children will receive a complimentary music activity packet. Veterans and members of the Armed Service with a form of ID are also admitted at no charge (no ticket required) Scores: $10 w/ticket online. Tickets at door or online at 1-888-71-TICKETS Doors open at 3:15 pm so that audience members may view the Tiffany windows prior to the concert. Visit Calvary United Methodist Church, Pittsburgh on FACEBOOK.
- Twitter: @CalvaryPgh
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