CSA 2015/2016 Season Share
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The New Hazlett CSA, the first and only performance series of its kind, introduces you to the freshest, most original artists in the Pittsburgh area. Since the seeds were first planted in 2013, the New Hazlett Theater CSA Performance Series has brought over 100 new and emerging artists to the stage. From dance to music, original plays to experimental animation, our CSA pushes the boundaries of performance at every show.
On the surface, our CSA seems like a regular subscription series, but underneath it is so much more. Your share in the CSA doesn’t just pay for a seat at a show. You’re providing the resources these artists need to create professional caliber work. Beyond that, you’re helping to support Pittsburgh's next crop of groundbreaking artists.
Your Share Includes
- The Reduction by David Bernabo, August 13, 2015
- Chachacha by Mathew Tembo, October 15, 2015
- Loving Black by Anthony Williams, December 10, 2015
- A BRAND NEW WORLD kill the artist by Ricardo Iamuuri, February 11, 2016
- The Silent Spring Project by Trillium Ensemble, April 14, 2016
- memory 4 by slowdanger, June 9, 2016
Student Matinee Sponsorship
Help us inspire the next generation of Pittsburgh artists. We want to make our CSA program available to local high school students. By donating an extra $25 with each share, you’ll be buying five students a seat at new student matinees.
- Twitter: @newhazlett
- Instagram: @newhazlett
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