Bryan Cork with Sal Demillio

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18 and Over
18 and Over
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18 and Over
Event Description
Bryan Cork with Sal Demillio

Bryan Cork as heard on SIRUS XM and FOX with Sal Demillio

Bryan was born in Georgia & would like to tell you he was born on the back of a melon truck, or while his parents were squirrel hunting. But then you wouldn’t be reading this because he would have his own version of ‘Duck Dynasty’ and he would be a big reality star. Unfortunately, it was nothing quite as exotic as that. Bryan was born in a military hospital because his Dad was in the Army. They soon moved back to the suburbs of Chicago where his formative years were spent. Bryan’s started his journey in to comedy early. Now he tours the country sharing his unique brand of clean humor and clever stories about deer hunting, tech support, and how Pictionary can ruin Thanksgiving. He will leave you, and your audience roaring with laughter. Not to mention, Bryan claims scientific research has shown that his show will lower your cholesterol, whiten your teeth, and make your children anxious to help with chores around the house.

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Map of Venue Location.
Latitude Live 4016 East 82nd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46250