Prosthetic Transfers Hands on Class.
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Bondo Transfer HANDS ON make up course from START TO FINISH!!!
Bondo Transfers are just the coolest appliance make up to hit Hollywood in decades! Used in ALL sorts of films and TV shows from everything from The Walking Dead to The curious Case of Benjamin Button. Created by FX Wizard Christian Tinsely, they are waterproof, take all kinds of make up, and move incredibly well! In this 3 HOUR HANDS ON CLASS, Rj will walk you through from start to finish HOW to create your very own Bondo Make up Transfers, Starting with the design and what kinds of appliances work best with Bondo transfers, then the Sculpture process as Rj instructs on the finer points of getting great details and texture in your appliances, then how to create a mold using Smooth-on's Mold Star 15, and finally creating the appliances with the Bondo and applying a premade appliance along with Rj
This Hands on Class is a combination of two of Rjs other classes, Sculpture introduction, and Bondo appliances., and is fun, informative, and a great inspiration for anyone 12 and over ! Hope to see you there!