NJ Great BIG Challah Bake General Registration
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Welcome to the registration page for The Jewish Journeys Great BIG Challah Bake of Northern New Jersey 2017!!
During the week of October 23rd, approximately one million Jewish women will be gathering together across the globe to make Challah as part of The Shabbos Project initiative. At Factory 220, we look forward to bringing together 800+ Jewish women of all ages and religious experience for an evening of unity, inspiration and empowerment.
This year's Northern New Jersey Challah Bake is being hosted by Jewish Journeys, a grassroots organization whose mission is to strengthen the Jewish home by bringing Jewish mothers from Bergen County* and are on a birthright–like trip to Israel through the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project (JWRP). The Israel trip is only the beginning of the journey for the participants — it continues throughout the year and beyond...with Jewish Journeys providing weekly classes, Shabbat/holiday celebrations, Chesed/outreach programs, social activities as well as monthly Challah bakes.
At the Great BIG Challah Bake you will have the opportunity to experience preparing two oven-ready Challah loaves from scratch. The evening will feature a hands-on workshop including instructions on braiding techniques. Jewish Journeys organizers will provide the ingredients, aprons, bowls and other keepsakes.
There are nine seats available for purchase at each table. There will be one additional seat at each table that is reserved for a Table Coach.
To register, choose a table number, the number of tickets you want to purchase and proceed to checkout.
If you want to sit with family/friends, we highly recommend you sign up at or about the same time. Otherwise, it is possible that others may sign up for your table. Seating is first come first served.
Table coaches should NOT register using the General Registration page. They need to register using the link meant exclusively for Table Coaches. Table Coaches should register using the following link: www.showclix.com/event/NNJGreatBigChallahBake-Coach
Also, if you are planning to be a Table Coach please email Debbie Rosalimsky at debbie.rosalimsky@gmail.com to make sure you are on the Master Table Coach list.
Family max of $125 - includes a mother, her daughter/s and grandmother/s. If you would like to use the family max option please reach out to Andrea Portal for assistance at aportal70@gmail.com.
Please be sure to register early. We expect to sell out. There will be NO walk-ins.
There are many different ways in which you can volunteer before and/or at the event! Some of the "jobs" include sorting ingredients, table/room set up, registration at the event and being a Table Coach. If you would like to sign up to volunteer please click on the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfXyWubyDKU_K2iQvlhPBdHEi4n9noJMlN4-2myhAG1ycVnhQ/viewform?c=0&w=1
During the check out process you will be offered an opportunity to sponsor some of our ongoing Jewish Journeys programs. We appreciate any additional contribution that you choose to make. All donations of $180 and above will be listed in a scroll of honor.
Siddur Sponsor $180
KiddushSponsor $360
Torah Learning Sponsor $500
Chesed Program Sponsor $1000
Shabbos Sponsor $1,800
Holiday Sponsor $3,600
Trip Sponsor $5,000
For any questions regarding registration contact Andrea Portal at aportal70@gmail.com.
Do I need to bring anything to the event?
Just bring yourself, a positive attitude and lots of energy! We'll provide all the ingredients and equipment necessary. Be sure to dress comfortably and be ready to have fun!!
Where can I contact the organizer with general questions regarding the event?
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
You can either print your ticket to scan at the event or show us the eticket on your smart phone. You will receive an email with your eticket and we'll scan that.
* See JWRP website for requirements.
Follow the event with #jewishjourneys