Upgrade CSA Performance Series 2014-2015
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There's still time to subscribe to the rest of our CSA performance season. The special $70 upgrade cost is only good for until next Thursday, August 21. After that, it goes back to the normal price of $80.
Each New Hazlett CSA “shareholder” receives fresh productions, delivered every other month to the New Hazlett Theater. What will your share include? Only the best new work our local creative community has to offer, from dance and music, to theater and performance art.
Becoming a shareholder allows you to directly support local artists, and it comes with several unique benefits as well, such as the opportunity to directly interact with the artists, easy ticket exchange, and even guest passes and access to special events.
The New Hazlett Theater CSA 2014-15 season lineup includes projects by:
- August 14, 2014: Pianist Federico Garcia-De Castro
- October 11, 2014: Dancer Moriah Ella Mason
- December 12, 2014: Perfromance Artist Jennifer Myers
- February 12, 2015: Dance/Circus collaborators Jil Stifel and Ben Sorta
- BONUS - February 20-21, 2015: The Crumbling by Alexis Gideon
- April 2, 2015: Theaterical Explorer Anya Martin
- June 11, 2015: Dance Double Bill Teena Marie Custer and Roberta Guido
NOTE: We will contact you directly with the tickets to the bonus performance of Alexis Gideon's The Crumbling.
The CSA Performance Series is supported in part by The Benter Foundation, The Hillman Foundation, and the McKinney Charitable Foundation with a media sponsorship from WYEP/WESA.
- Twitter: @newhazlett
- Instagram: @newhazlett
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