Kecera Folk Ensemble Concert

Thu. Sep 25, 2014 at 7:00pm EDT
All Ages
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Kecera Folk Ensemble Concert

Folk Traditions of the Village of Jakubany, Slovakia

Presented by the Kečera (Kechera) Folk Ensemble

The National Capital Chapter of the Carpatho-Rusyn Society along with the Slovak American Society of Washington are pleased to host this award winning group of performers on their first American tour!

Through songs, dances and skits we will be taken to some of the following events in the villager's lives:

- Christening/Baptism (Kerstiny)
- Washing Clothes by the River (Rajbanie pri Potoku)
- The Sunday Dance by the Jakubjanka Riverbanks (Zabava na Kamjincu)
- Mountains (Hory)
- St. John’s Fire (Janske Ohne)
- Scutching Flax
- Decorating Hats for the Groomsmen (Pirkovanije)
- Bonneting (Čepčenie)
- Induction into the Military (Rukovanie)
- St. Andrew’s Day (November 30), Gathering for Spinning Flax (Večurky), and Mardi Gras (Puščaňa)

An example of one of the depictions:
Decorating Hats for the Groomsmen (Pirkovanije)
- The bride invites her bridesmaids to make a wedding wreath and also to gather plumes for the groomsmen’s hats. The men come by while the bridesmaids are tying the feathers for them, and they dance and sing. That night and the following day the groomsmen’s job is to personally invite guests to the wedding. At every home as groomsman enters, the woman of the house ties a ribbon on his vest (huňa). She, thereby, confirms attendance of her family members at the wedding. Partying during the wedding preparation is for everyone, but especially for the young people who love to celebrate. Both the bride and groom want this joyous kind of parting from their single friends with whom they have grown up, pastured cows and gone to parties (večurky).

Don't miss this historic event!

Ticket prices go up after September 10th. Buy yours today!

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Venue Details
Luther Jackson Middle School 3020 Gallows Rd
Fairfax, VA 22042