Sponsor Packs: NullifyNow Orlando
Sun. Oct 10, 2010 at 10:00pm EDT
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The Following are Sponsorship Packages to the NullifyNow! Event on 10-10-10 in Orlando Florida
Click here for event details
Sponsor Pack Details
NEW: Live Radio Sponsorship
The Robert Scott Bell Show is excited to be broadcasting live from the NullifyNow event in Orlando, Florida 10/10/10. The live broadcast will take place on Sunday, October 10, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT.
The Robert Scott Bell Show is broadcast throughout the United States and simulcast online via GCNLive.com, TalkstreamLive.com and BoldVoices.TV and is syndicated by the Genesis Communications Network. Archives are available on one of the most popular natural health websites in the world: NaturalNews.com and NaturalNews.TV.This unique event sponsorship opportunity is available on a first come, first served basis.
Host Sponsor Level (only one available):Sponsor would receive:
• Expert interview (one 7 minute segment spotlight)• Special recognition and thanks going in and out of breaks• Phone number/web site promotion• Genuine appreciation from me and my many listeners for your support of Health Freedom and the Tenth Amendment Center and WeRefuse.com
SPONSOR PACK A: For $100 and promotion of the event to your group's email list - we will provide a listing on the event website for you as a sponsoring organization, including your group's logo and link to your website. We will distribute your group's printed materials to our guests at the event registration table. (or we will give you authorization to do so on event grounds) 2 general admission tickets included.
SPONSOR PACK B: For $250 and promotion of the event to your group's email list - we will provide a listing on the event website for you as a sponsoring organization, including your group's logo and link to your website. Inclusion of group logo on any event programs. Table space will be provided for your group at the event. 6 general admission tickets included.
SPONSOR PACK C: For $500 and promotion of the event to your group's email list - we will provide a listing on the event website for you as a sponsoring organization, including your group's logo and link to your website. Inclusion of group logo on any event programs. Table space will be provided for your group at the event. Inclusion of your group's representative in a panel discussion with our general session. You will receive 2 verbal thank yous from our host (beginning and end of event) as your group being a sponsor. 10 general admission tickets, and 2 VIP tickets (in 2nd row) included.
SPONSOR PACK D: For $1000 and promotion of the event to your group's email list - we will provide a listing on the event website for you as a sponsoring organization, including your group's logo and link to your website. Inclusion of group logo on any event programs. Entry-level table space will be provided for your group at the event. Inclusion of your group's representative in a panel discussion with our general session and 15 minute presentation by a representative of your group at the event discussing your group's ideas/goals for on-the-ground activism in support of the 10th Amendment is available. You will receive 3 verbal thank yous from our host (beginning, 1 in middle, and end of event) as your group being a sponsor. 15 general admission tickets, and 4 VIP tickets (in 2nd row) included.
You can be the exclusive sponsor of the Nullify Now! printed program - given to all guests of the event. Here's what you get:
Your logo and tag line on the front of the full-color program - naming you as the exclusive program sponsor.
1st page of the program will be your full-page ad.
each page of the rest of the program will have text indicating that "This program is brought to you exclusively by....." (and can included contact information as well)
A full 1/2 of the back cover of the program will be your advertising message - including your logo and a special thank you for being the exclusive program sponsor.
Also included:
8 complimentary tickets.
You can be the exclusive sponsor of the Nullify Now! Q&A Session - at the closing of the event. Here's what you get:
At the close of the event, we will be holding a special Q&A session in a separate meeting room for a limited number of guests and media. (approximately 100) This will be free to attend and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. (media can pre-register).
The session will run from approximately 6:30 to 8:00PM. Particpants include Thomas Woods, Michael Boldin, Gary Johnson, various grassroots leaders, legislators and more..
In our special Q&A room, your group will have the following:
--Exclusive registration table for your group only. At the entrance, you will have a table set up for you to have your promotional materials, or even require sign-in or sign-ups to enter the session.
--10 Minute introductory speech from a member of your group at the start of the session.
--10 Minute closing speech from a member of your group at the close of the session.
--A member of your group will be part of our moderation/q&a team
--Hand out of your group's printed marketing materials to all registered guests of our daytime general session.
--8 complimentary tickets for our general session throughout the day.
Once you purchase your sponsor pack, we'll keep, at will call, the number of tickets available for your group. We'll need you to provide us with full names of any guests coming in for your group. Please email them to info@tenthamendmentcenter.com or fax to 213.402.3938 as you get them.
Click here for event details
Sponsor Pack Details
NEW: Live Radio Sponsorship
The Robert Scott Bell Show is excited to be broadcasting live from the NullifyNow event in Orlando, Florida 10/10/10. The live broadcast will take place on Sunday, October 10, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT.
The Robert Scott Bell Show is broadcast throughout the United States and simulcast online via GCNLive.com, TalkstreamLive.com and BoldVoices.TV and is syndicated by the Genesis Communications Network. Archives are available on one of the most popular natural health websites in the world: NaturalNews.com and NaturalNews.TV.This unique event sponsorship opportunity is available on a first come, first served basis.
Host Sponsor Level (only one available):Sponsor would receive:
• Expert interview (one 7 minute segment spotlight)• Special recognition and thanks going in and out of breaks• Phone number/web site promotion• Genuine appreciation from me and my many listeners for your support of Health Freedom and the Tenth Amendment Center and WeRefuse.com
SPONSOR PACK A: For $100 and promotion of the event to your group's email list - we will provide a listing on the event website for you as a sponsoring organization, including your group's logo and link to your website. We will distribute your group's printed materials to our guests at the event registration table. (or we will give you authorization to do so on event grounds) 2 general admission tickets included.
SPONSOR PACK B: For $250 and promotion of the event to your group's email list - we will provide a listing on the event website for you as a sponsoring organization, including your group's logo and link to your website. Inclusion of group logo on any event programs. Table space will be provided for your group at the event. 6 general admission tickets included.
SPONSOR PACK C: For $500 and promotion of the event to your group's email list - we will provide a listing on the event website for you as a sponsoring organization, including your group's logo and link to your website. Inclusion of group logo on any event programs. Table space will be provided for your group at the event. Inclusion of your group's representative in a panel discussion with our general session. You will receive 2 verbal thank yous from our host (beginning and end of event) as your group being a sponsor. 10 general admission tickets, and 2 VIP tickets (in 2nd row) included.
SPONSOR PACK D: For $1000 and promotion of the event to your group's email list - we will provide a listing on the event website for you as a sponsoring organization, including your group's logo and link to your website. Inclusion of group logo on any event programs. Entry-level table space will be provided for your group at the event. Inclusion of your group's representative in a panel discussion with our general session and 15 minute presentation by a representative of your group at the event discussing your group's ideas/goals for on-the-ground activism in support of the 10th Amendment is available. You will receive 3 verbal thank yous from our host (beginning, 1 in middle, and end of event) as your group being a sponsor. 15 general admission tickets, and 4 VIP tickets (in 2nd row) included.
You can be the exclusive sponsor of the Nullify Now! printed program - given to all guests of the event. Here's what you get:
Your logo and tag line on the front of the full-color program - naming you as the exclusive program sponsor.
1st page of the program will be your full-page ad.
each page of the rest of the program will have text indicating that "This program is brought to you exclusively by....." (and can included contact information as well)
A full 1/2 of the back cover of the program will be your advertising message - including your logo and a special thank you for being the exclusive program sponsor.
Also included:
8 complimentary tickets.
You can be the exclusive sponsor of the Nullify Now! Q&A Session - at the closing of the event. Here's what you get:
At the close of the event, we will be holding a special Q&A session in a separate meeting room for a limited number of guests and media. (approximately 100) This will be free to attend and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. (media can pre-register).
The session will run from approximately 6:30 to 8:00PM. Particpants include Thomas Woods, Michael Boldin, Gary Johnson, various grassroots leaders, legislators and more..
In our special Q&A room, your group will have the following:
--Exclusive registration table for your group only. At the entrance, you will have a table set up for you to have your promotional materials, or even require sign-in or sign-ups to enter the session.
--10 Minute introductory speech from a member of your group at the start of the session.
--10 Minute closing speech from a member of your group at the close of the session.
--A member of your group will be part of our moderation/q&a team
--Hand out of your group's printed marketing materials to all registered guests of our daytime general session.
--8 complimentary tickets for our general session throughout the day.
Once you purchase your sponsor pack, we'll keep, at will call, the number of tickets available for your group. We'll need you to provide us with full names of any guests coming in for your group. Please email them to info@tenthamendmentcenter.com or fax to 213.402.3938 as you get them.